Saturday, July 6, 2013


Welcome to my webpage detailing a Directed Fieldwork experience during the Summer 2013 term. Throughout the term, I will update this site to include accounts of my progress as well as added completed projects as outlined in my learning outcomesBut first, a little background...

My name is Kirsten Hostetler and I'm a second-year online student at the University of Washington iSchool. As part of the Central Oregon Digital Archives Initiative, I will be working with the Des Chutes Historical Society, Deschutes Public Library and Central Oregon Community College. The ultimate goal will be to create a digital archives resource page to be made available at all participating institutions to provide greater access and awareness about the materials freely available for the public. 

There are several smaller scanning tasks I will be working on in addition to a larger cataloging project through LibraryThing. I'm excited to gain more experience in public libraries and special collections, as my primary background has been in academic libraries.